Math Doesn't Have to Be a Struggle. 

We have helped thousands of children overcome math struggles and attention issues. Call us to discover the why behind the struggle.





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Math help for children and adults in the {{DynLocation2}} area.

In four to six months at LearningRx, the average student gained:

3 Years

in math fluency

3 Years

in math fluency

3+ Years

in quantitative concepts

3+ Years

in quantitative concepts

21 Points

in IQ score

21 Points

in IQ score

LearningRx helps students gain confidence in math skills!
Our one-to-one math programs are based on decades of research and brain science.  We have helped over 100,000 students who struggle with:
  • Understanding math concepts
  • Story problems
  • Paying attention in class
  • Completing math assignments
  • Focusing on homework
  • Logic & reasoning
  • Quantitative thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Memory
  • Test Taking
  • And Much More!
Call us today or fill out the form to get on the path to success in math!
Ready to Learn More!

Our Process

We Help Get to The Root Cause Math Struggles

MathRx targets the underlying cognitive skills that are required to learn mathematical concepts, solve problems, and perform calculations. LearningRx is not a math tutor. Our brain training programs get to the root cause of math problems by targeting and training attention, memory, processing speed and related cognitive skills.  MathRx takes this further by enhancing logic & reasoning, quantitative thinking, and numerical fluency, to help students with dyscalculia, ADHD & other math learning challenges perform better. 
Brain Skills Assessment

The first step is a Brain Skills Assessment at our local learning center. This will provide insight into what is causing the math struggles by pinpointing specific learning strengths and weaknesses.



We’ll discuss the results of your child’s Assessment and explain how their cognitive skills are impacting learning and performance. We’ll create a specific action plan to help your child get back on track.

One-On-One Brain Training

Students work one-on-one with a personal brain trainer on mental exercises scientifically shown to improve cognitive ability. Over a series of weeks, the students break through barriers and develop the fundamental skills needed to improve focus, concentration, memory, math, comprehension, and overall learning ability.

Ready to Learn More!



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How Do We Help?

We Get to The Root Cause of Struggles in the Brain.

LearningRx doesn’t just teach reading. Instead, we target and train the skills that are making reading so much harder than it needs to be.
We pair students with their own personal brain trainer for challenging (and fun!) mental workouts that strengthen the brain skills needed for fluent reading.
Based on years of research and brain science, our reading program empowers the child to get beyond their challenges and catch up quickly.

Request More Information

Use this form to request more information or take the first step and schedule an Assessment.




p. {{DynPhoneFormatted}}